ministry updates

JGM News November 2023

As I sit down to type this newsletter and begin to reflect on all the places that I have ministered at the last few months, I am amazed at how many different cultures and people groups God sent me to. In August I was ministering to people in the northern plains of South Dakota at Dakota fest. At the end of August, I was in Decatur, Illinois for the Farm Progress Show where people from all over the world attended this big farm show.

A day after being in Decatur, I headed to the most international city in the world, Toronto Canada to minister at the Canadian National Exhibition which was attended by hundreds of thousands of people. I love ministering in Toronto because I can preach to so many different people from so many different cultures and nationalities and many of them prayed with me to receive Christ.
My next destination was a new farm show in the uttermost parts of the earth, Torrington Wyoming (they didn’t even have a Walmart in Torrington). The only thing Torrington had in common with Toronto is that their names both start out with “Tor” and that is where their commonality ended. The Torrington Farm show was on the East Wyoming college campus, so we had a lot of college students and faculty come to our booth as well as high school students and many of them prayed with me.

When the farm show in Torrington was over, I flew to California by invitation from Scott Hinkle Ministries to help with the Mario Murillo tent meeting in the Los Angeles area. This was a big blessing and very encouraging to see God moving so powerfully in an area in so need of revival.

Another place in need of revival is the Navajo reservation where I ministered in October. You can always tell what the devil fears by what he attacks the most. This is why he attacks places like Los Angeles, St. Louis, and the Navajo people. While ministering at the Shiprock Fair parade they had a float that had pictures of young Navajo girls that have been disappearing off the reservation and some even found murdered. There is also witchcraft, incest, a high divorce rate, drugs, alcohol, and immorality of all kinds on the Navajo reservation. The good news is that where sin abounds, grace does much more abound. Through the years, men of God have said that revival would begin among the Native Americans. At the Shiprock Fair we immersed the fair with the Gospel by having a prayer booth inside the fairgrounds with Pastor Robert Tso and Victory Life Church from Shiprock. We shared Christ and His Word with people as well as prayed for peoples needs. I also preached at an outdoor revival meeting at Victory Life church and at their Sunday morning service.

In Closing, even though I have ministered to so many different cultures, nationalities, and people groups the last few months, the people all have one thing in common. They all have a void inside them, and they are all racing toward an endless eternity. No matter who they are and where they come from, there is still only one answer that will fill the void and give them eternal life in Heaven and that is receiving Jesus Christ the Son of God as Lord and Savior. This is why I saw a girl cry when her mother prayed with me to be saved in Toronto. This is why I saw those same tears after a Navajo mother who had a troubled daughter cry while she was praying the sinner’s prayer with me.

This is why I am excited to finish this year strong with farm shows in McCook Nebraska and Tulsa Oklahoma because I know there will be many people just like in all these other places that are in desperate need of that peace that only Jesus can give. Thank you for your prayers and support that makes it possible for me to reach these people.

In Christ,
Jeff Goss

JGM Update – Open Doors

One of Gods original commands to mankind was to be fruitful and multiply and that has not changed. God is continuing to multiply open doors and opportunities for evangelism in my ministry. 2023 has been a great year of outreaches that have filled my schedule and I am excited to share that 3 outreaches have been added as we head into the fall.

August 31st – September 4th I will travel to Toronto, Ontario, Canada to help FCFI Canada share the gospel at the Canadian National Exhibition

On September 5th we are breaking into a new area at the Wyoming Farm Ranch and Hemp Expo.

September 10th – 13th I will join the team with Mario Marillo Ministries at the Los Angeles County Fairgrounds for Proof 4 L.A.

I am grateful for these open doors and appreciate your prayers. Now more than ever do we need to see the Gospel bring change to our nation. Thank you and God bless you!

JGM News July 2023

We are excited to report that we continue to see great signs of revival among the young people.

I will start by with the South Carolina FFA State Convention in Greenville. In 2019 we did the South Carolina FFA Convention for the first time at Clemson University. I was disappointed because, although I had a few connections, hardly anyone came to our booth. It was so slow that I went out on the campus of Clemson to pass out tracts. I thought to myself that I would not want to do that convention again due to lack of receptivity. Thank God we didn’t stop. The convention this year was just the opposite. All day long kids kept coming to our booth with a hunger to hear about Jesus. A number of them prayed with me to receive Christ. One kid even told me that a group of them stayed up in their motel praying and studying the Bible until one in the morning. Revival is happening.

My favorite testimony from South Carolina was when two young girls came to hear the message. One girl said she had already received Christ as her Lord and the other one said she hadn’t. Long story short, the one girl that hadn’t been saved prayed with me to receive Christ and after the prayer she and her friend got super excited and giddy that she was now born again. After I gave them instruction and teaching on how to live the Christian life and follow up material, they left. Later on, they both came back to our booth so excited about her being saved that she wanted to have a picture with me. At that point I gave her more teaching on living the Christian life. I ended up giving out a whole box of Book of John and Romans books in South Carolina.

Young men hearing the Gospel

Young men hearing the Gospel

The Kansas and Mississippi FFA State conventions this year were also better than they have been in the past as far as receptivity and the number of kids praying to receive the Lord. Teenagers have even thanked me just for spending time talking with them about the Lord.

One young man at the Alabama State FFA Convention said he was Chaplin of his FFA Chapter but that he still hadn’t repented. I spent some time ministering to him and he ended up giving his life to Christ.

We just finished the FFA State Conventions for the year with a big bang in Orlando Florida and in downtown Dallas Texas. Both went well. In Texas we had three good solid days of ministry to teenagers who live in the big cities of Texas like Houston and Dallas, to small town kids from places like Muleshoe Texas, and teens who live on the border of Mexico. During all 3 days we had a constant flow of kids, and kids praying to receive Christ from the very beginning to the very end.

Not only have many FFA kids prayed with us to receive Christ into their lives, but we have also had some of them come for prayer for personal struggles with pornography or family issues. Some have come to our booth seeking advice on starting their own ministries.

Jeff sharing the Gospel with young people.

Jeff sharing the Gospel with young people.

We have had many Ag teachers come to our booth and thank us for what we are doing. Some have made the comment that they are limited to what they can share in the classroom, so they were glad we were there. This makes me thankful that I have the freedom to talk to the kids about things like feeding their spirit and faith with Gods Word, the importance of living a life of praise to God so we can run our race with joy, getting plugged into a good church and guarding our thought life and what we say. Since most of these kids are farmers, they understand when I tell them that everything we think, speak, and do we are planting a seed that we will eventually reap a harvest on. The importance of teaching these basic fundamentals of Christianity was reinforced to me at the Mississippi FFA State convention when a girl told me she had been using tarot cards during her prayer time and she asked me if this was okay. Thankfully I was able to tell her how demonic this is and that she is to look to the Word of God and the Holy Spirit for guidance. This also makes me thankful that we give out good literature, including New Testaments and John and Romans books that will help people get on the right track in their Christian walk.

I feel like we are continuing to do our part to help save this nation through ministering at these conventions and farm shows.

Now I am excited about the upcoming farm shows which will start up again in August with Dakota Fest in Mitchell South Dakota, the Farm progress Show in Decatur Illinois, Husker Harvest Days in Grand Island Nebraska and our Navajo Outreach in Shiprock New Mexico.

Thanks so much for your prayers and support, this helps make all this outreach possible.

JGM News December 2022

As we are fast approaching 2023, it is undeniable, our world has changed drastically in the last 20 years. One thing I love about Gods Word is that it does not change in its message or effectiveness to conform to the world and all it’s weird and demonic ideologies. God’s Word is the same yesterday, today, and forever and it is Good News not bad news.

I have talked to so many people today that have quit listening to the news because there is so much bad news that produces fear and not faith like Gods Word does. The angels’ proclamation in Luke 2:10 is still true today.

Do not be afraid, I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all people

Notice that the Good News from Gods Word doesn’t produce fear but great joy.

Recently I was sharing at a church that at farm shows and FFA state conventions, our booth is always the busiest and most popular. Some would say it is because we give away free gifts, but I believe the biggest reason is because people are hungry for good news and what better news is there that Jesus took our punishment on the cross for all of our sins, and rose from the dead to bring man and God back together, to make a way, the only way for us to get into heaven. It will never get old to me to proclaim the best news in the world that we have all sinned and the wages of sin is death, but according to Romans 10:13 whoever calls on the name of the Lord Jesus shall be saved. God has a home in heaven for everyone who will receive Jesus into their lives as Lord and Savior. Notice the angel said this good news is not for just some people, but for all people of all races, all ages, all nationalities, farmers, city people, and everyone in between. If there is repentance, belief that Jesus is the Son of God, and making Jesus the Lord of your life, then you are guaranteed a home in heaven.

God has called everyone of us to share this good news to a lost and dying world. A short while ago, I talked with a man who is so tired of the bad news in this world that he bought his tombstone, put it in a cemetery, and now he is waiting to die. But if we Christians don’t stick around to tell people how to be saved, then who will. The devil and his crew certainly won’t. It is time for us Christians to realize that we were born for such a time as this and that we are to unpack our bags so to speak because the absence of our light and truth will just bring more darkness and lies.

The Harvest is Plentiful, but the Laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the Harvest to send out Laborers into Harvest Luke 10-2

Several years ago, I was walking through Times Square in New York City, and I was amazed that out of all those millions of people walking the streets of New York, there were so few preaching the Gospel. When I began to share the Gospel with some of them, it was the deer in the headlight’s response. One young FFA student at the Alabama FFA State convention last summer told us that we are the only ones he has seen out preaching the Gospel (even though I know there are others that are doing it also). This is why Jesus said the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. And then he told us not to pray for revival but to pray for more laborers.

When it comes down to it, our being faithful in proclaiming the Gospel message is a matter of life and death, heaven and hell. I will close with this story to illustrate my point. Years ago, a mother of an FFA student called the Fellowship of Christian Farmers office and said her son came to our tent at the National FFA convention, heard the Gospel message, then he prayed to receive Jesus. She said he had been a troubled boy but now he was on fire for God and living for him. He also started going to youth group. She said a month later he died and went to be with he Lord. I could tell you several stories very similar to this one. These stories are not to glorify us but to stir us all up to be witnesses for Christ.

In 2022 we prayed with hundreds of people to receive Christ at farm shows and FFA State conventions in states coast to coast. We even were able to minister at the Shiprock fair to the Navajos this fall, which we hadn’t been able to do since before COVID hit. We had a good team of people that saturated the fairgrounds, carnival, and parade with the Gospel. We already have a busy schedule lined up for 2023 and with God the best is always yet to come. Please pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have a free course. Pray also that we will preach the truth in love more boldly than we ever have.

A Busy Season Ahead

We are about to get busy with ministering at FFA State Conventions and I thank God for His strength to help me during this busy time. In the past we have seen many kids, coast to coast, come to Christ after ministering to them at these conventions. This is exciting a couple of reasons. Number one, seeing young people get saved and on fire for God is going to help save our nation. Number two, I believe a lot of these FFA kids are the future leaders of America.  

Please be in prayer for these upcoming FFA state conventions and farm shows that many will be saved and changed by the preaching of the Word and the move of the Holy Spirit. Pray that a great awakening and revival will result from this. Our Itinerary (click here) has been updated with some of the ones that I will be heading up and attending.

Thank you for your prayers!

JGM News December 2021

I was reading the Christmas story recently in Luke 2:8-10 where the angels appeared unto the shepherds in the field, and it says in verse 9 that the shepherds were sore afraid. Unfortunately, that seems to be the state that a lot of people are in now. People are afraid of what may be coming down the pike. So many things in the natural look shaky and unstable.

Nevertheless, the message the angels gave the shepherds is the same message that we need to hear today, “Fear not!”. Remember, God is still on His throne. The greater One, the Holy Spirit lives in us Christians. We still have His Word to stand on and His Word will never fail if we only believe.

Another thing we see in these passages is that the glory of the Lord shined around the shepherds. At the farm shows and FFA state conventions where we have been ministering this past year, we have seen the glory of the Lord manifest with salvation and healings. One man’s kidneys started working after one of our men prayed for him. Another man came up to me recently at the Tulsa Farm Show and said he had been taking shots in his back for pain. After one of our FCFI guys prayed for him, he was able to quit taking those shots 2 weeks later because the pain was gone.

I recently heard about a revival that happened two or three hundred years ago where college students were praying by a haystack when a storm moved in. They were so deep into prayer that they didn’t notice the storm moving in for a while, but they eventually crawled underneath the haystack to get protection from the storm. A revival broke out from that, and it was called the Haystack Revival. I have often said that as we have seen many people come to Christ by sharing the Gospel message by using wordless walking sticks, that this revival will be known as the Stick Revival.

A married couple came to our booth at the Indiana State FFA Convention last June. The lady said they needed to be somewhere else but they stayed and prayed with me to receive the Lord. She stated that getting saved was much more important.

The highlight of the year for me was ministering at the Texas State FFA Convention for 3 solid days at the Downtown Fort Worth Convention Center. Over 19,000 kids from all over the state of Texas were at this convention, and many made their way to our booth to be ministered to. A lot of these kids seemed to know that revival is the only thing that will save our nation. I believe some of them will go back and share Jesus with their friends and school. The students, teachers, and parents showed a great appreciation for us being there sharing the Gospel.

We have finished this year strong with fruitful farm shows and outreaches in Springfield, Missouri; Wichita, Kansas; Tulsa, Oklahoma; Carbondale, Illinois; and Indy.

Please pray for us as we gear up to minister the first 3 months of 2022 in:

  • Monroe, Louisiana
  • Cleveland, Mississippi
  • Sioux Falls, South Dakota
  • Louisville, Kentucky
  • Kansas City, Missouri
  • Des Moines, Iowa
  • Cedar Falls, Iowa
  • Dodge City, Kansas

Thank you for all your prayers and support as we hope you all have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New

JGM News August 2021

I hope you are having a wonderful summer! This has been a great season for us ministering at farm shows and FFA State conventions. We have seen many hundreds of people come to Christ for salvation. I feel like we are living Acts chapter 13:41, which says, “Behold, ye despisers, and wonder, and perish: for I work a work in your days, a work which ye shall in no wise believe, though a man declare it unto you.” It is hard to describe in words how fruitful the FFA State conventions and farm shows have been this year. With all the negativity going on in the world, I can tell you firsthand that we have seen such a hunger for the Gospel as we have ministered in 6 FFA state conventions as well as 10 farm shows/outreaches. God also opened a door for me to teach on evangelism at the Fellowship of Christian Farmers National Convention in New York in July.

Just like the keeper of the prison cried out to Paul and Silas in Acts 16:30, “Sirs, what must I do to be saved”? FFA kids and people are coming to our booths by the droves and seeking salvation. As we explain the gospel message and how to be saved, we also teach them how to live the Christian life successfully. We pray with them and give them the Word of God along with other follow up material. The follow up material includes information on websites where they can get some of the best teaching in the world and a phone number they can call to find a good church in their area. One of our goals is to help disciple them through zoom calls. Please pray that people will participate in this.

Please also pray for our upcoming outreach events. Below is a list of some of those shows. As of now, we are still waiting to hear if the Navajo government is going to allow the Navajo Nations Fairs. If so, we plan on ministering at one of those Navajo fairs. Thank you for your prayers and support that make all this possible.

  • August 9 – 14 Carmi-White County Fair in Carmi Illinois
  • August 8 Preaching at Nodaway Valley Christian Fellowship in Braddyville Iowa 10:45 & 6pm.
  • August 17 – 19 Dakotafest in Mitchell South Dakota
  • August 31 – Sept 2 Farm Progress Show in Decatur Illinois
  • September 14 -16 Husker Harvest Days in Grand Island Nebraska
  • October 1 – 3 Ozark Farm Fall Fest in Springfield Missouri