
JGM News November 2019

JGM News NOV 2019

Jeff with a group of young people.

Hebrews 2:14 -15 says, “For as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he also himself likewise took part of the same; that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil; And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.” These scriptures describe the people in this world that do not have a personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. Our job as Christians is tell people the good news that by being saved through Jesus, they don’t have to fear death ever again.

Just recently I was ministering at the Royal Ag in downtown Toronto with the Fellowship of Christian Farmers. As I began to minister to a man that came to our booth, he poured out his heart to me. He had a 24/7, consuming fear of death and had dealt with that since his parents died at a young age over 50 years ago. I had compassion for him, but this is why we go to the world to preach the good news. I told him that when he becomes born again by making Jesus the Lord of His life, then he can actually look forward to death. This story does have a happy ending though. The man prayed with me to receive Jesus and now he can finally be at peace after all these years of being subject to bondage because of fear of death.

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Royal Ag Show

All week long we were able to minister to people of different nationalities and religions. One Pastors wife who ministers with us every year said that a woman who was a Muslim prayed with her to be saved and became a Christian when she came to our booth last year. This woman came to our booth this year and told us that she ministered to her Muslim son and now he is a Christian. Evangelism is exciting because it can have a snowball effect like that.

JGM News NOV 2019

Jeff with members of a girl’s hockey team.

Another example of the snowball effect happened when I had a group of young teenage girls come to our booth to receive a free gift and to hear the Gospel. They ended up praying with me to receive the Lord but it doesn’t end there. After receiving the Lord themselves, they brought their friends to our booth so I could minister to them. Then these girls prayed to receive the Lord. I also had several from Tibet pray with me to receive the Lord. One young man walked by our booth with a girl and just kept on walking. But I believe the Holy Spirit drew him back to our booth and when he came back he listened intently to the Gospel message and ended up praying to receive the Lord.

Your prayers and support help make all this possible. This has been a great year of outreaches. Please be in prayer that we finish the year strong at our last outreach at the Tulsa Oklahoma farm show coming up in December. Thank you and God Bless You.

JGM News NOV 2019

Ministry in Toronto

JGM News October 2019

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Sharing the gospel at the South Carolina State FFA Convention

As I sit down to work on this newsletter, I am so thankful to God who has been faithful in opening so many doors of opportunity for us this year to preach the Gospel to so many people across the nation. With still three months to go in this year of 2019, we

have already ministered at 18 different outreaches which includes seven farm shows, 10 FFA state conventions, and our most recent outreach to the Navajos at the Window Rock Navajo Nation Fair. What makes these outreaches so special is that thousands of people prayed with us to receive the Lord and received New Testaments and other good Gospel literature and follow up material. I truly believe that many of these people will become missionaries and evangelists reaching people that we can’t reach. We have already seen this when a teenager at the Texas State FFA convention in Fort Worth took some of our walking sticks and began ministering to other Texas kids at the convention. I was amazed as I watched him preach with fire to the other students at the convention. We are also seeing Christians become excited to be used by God to reach the lost. A couple of men who went with me to Window Rock Arizona to minister with me for the first time got so excited about the ministry that they want to continue to do outreaches. One of them even wants to move to the southwest and be a full-time minister to the Navajos. This ripple of effect is going to help speed up revival in this nation and world.

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Mike Weaver praying with a family

Please be in prayer as we finish this year strong. We have several more major outreaches planned including the Ozark Farm Fest this week in Springfield Missouri. The Ozark Farm Fest is always busy with thousands of people visiting our booth. At the first of November we will be ministering at the Royal Ag show in beautiful downtown Toronto for the fourth year in a row. This is one of my favorites because Toronto is such an international city and we are ministering to people from all over the world who have not heard much Gospel. In December we will have our last big farm show of the year in Tulsa Oklahoma.

I believe the last day harvest has begun and with your faithful prayers and support you are an important part of the fruit that is produced by this ministry. It is not always cheap and easy traveling around and preaching the Gospel, but it is well worth it to see people’s lives changed and transformed by the power of the Gospel. Thanks for your prayers and support that makes all this possible.

God Bless You,

Jeff Goss

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A show of respect as Bill Bosse leads some young people in prayer

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Passing out Gospel tracts to the crowds waiting for the parade to begin.

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Jeff Goss sharing the Gospel at the Texas State FFA Convention

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William French ministering to a group

JGM News May 2019

As I sit down to write this newsletter, I am thinking about how serious the times have become for the United States. We must see a great awakening and spiritual revival for this nation to survive and to thrive. The remnant of God’s people in this nation must realize the importance of not giving into the spirit of the age, which is an antichrist spirit. There must be a determination to be a bold, bright light in a dark culture that is trying to legalize and legitimize sin. The Bible which is God’s standard does not change just because the culture changes. As we see the antichrist spirit try to take over our nation and silence our voice, let’s be determined to preach more, pray more, and to love more than we ever have before.

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Jeff Goss ministering to big farm kids from Arkansas.

We have encountered a recent challenge in ministry, but we have not given up. After decades of ministering at the FFA national convention, the Fellowship of Christian Farmers was not allowed to come back last fall due basically to political correctness. At first it seemed devastating, but God always has a plan that trumps everything else. In this case that plan was to start going to FFA state conventions and it has been more fruitful than I could have ever imagined.

In the month of April, I ministered at the Nebraska, Iowa, Arkansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma FFA state conventions. Even though this has been a lot of traveling and has required more Wordless walking sticks, New Testaments, follow up literature, and other outreach gifts, it has been well worth the effort. In all my years of ministry, I have never seen so much receptivity to the Gospel. At each of these conventions we have a constant flow of kids who are totally focused on hearing the Gospel message come to our booth. So far, we have had thousands of these kids pray with us and receive New Testament’s and other follow up literature.

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JGM News March 2019

It is the beginning of March as I sit down and write this newsletter, and already this year we have ministered at farm shows in West Monroe Louisiana, Louisville Kentucky, Kansas City Missouri and Memphis Tennessee. In fact, I have spent so much time in the south ministering this year, I am probably starting to sound like a southerner.

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Jeff Goss sharing the Gospel in West Monroe, LA

At the Louisville and Memphis farm shows, we were ministering to people from all over the south, Midwest and world. Last week in Memphis, after ministering to a group of young men from South Africa (they also had a southern accent but not the American one) they all prayed to receive Christ into their life. I was even able to minister in Spanish at both farm shows and give out Spanish Gospel literature.

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One of the many groups of people we ministered to in Memphis hearing the Gospel from volunteer Nick Korn.

A maintenance man working at the Kansas City Western farm Show told us as we were setting up that he came to our booth last year. He was really ministered to and received salvation. A short time later, his wife died and he said that what we had shared with him and how we prayed with him got him through that tough time. Another man came to our booth in Kansas City and said his son got saved through our ministry.

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JGM News December 2018

Last June while ministering at the Louisiana State FFA Convention a girl shared that she had prayed with me to receive the Lord at the National FFA convention about 6 months prior in Indianapolis Indiana. After talking with her, I could really see how passionate she had become for Jesus and that He had become her life.

A few weeks ago, while on the train in Toronto Canada, Bill Bosse, a fellow evangelist, and I were heading to downtown Toronto to minister at the Royal Ag show. God gave us a Divine appointment with a Muslim woman who sat in front of us on the train. She was very receptive to the Gospel as we began to share with her. It turned out she had just been in St. Louis, Missouri visiting her family not far from where we live. Bill gave her a book of John from the New Testament and she just lit up and said she would cherish that book in her heart.

While setting up for a farm show in Wichita Falls, Texas last March, I took a break and began to minister to a group of rough and tough looking Hispanic guys who were working security and maintenance. After sharing Christ with them, they prayed with me to be saved. We had received a large Bible before the outreach to give to someone as a gift. I knew in my heart that the leader of this group was the one to receive that Bible. He was so thrilled that he went around showing it to other people. The next day they showed their appreciation for what God had done for them by giving an offering to FCFI.

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